👏 欢迎来到 绿林好汉 !
✍️ 绿林好汉 互联网行业连续创业者,全栈工程师。分享自己的思考过程和工作实践!踏平行业入门之槛。这里记录生活、心情、知识、笔记、创意... ...
Food And Freedom👇
📝 学习不分春夏秋冬,贵在坚持;奋斗可分鼠雀鲲鹏,人生贵搏
🌉 山不过来,我就过去
🏷️ 险夷原不滞胸中,何异浮云过太空?夜静海涛三万里,月明飞锡下天风。
📋 贵有恒,何必三更起五更睡;最无益,只怕一日暴十寒。
💻 努力,是为了将运气成分降到最低。
🌎 在宇宙的历史长河中,我们渺小到绝望。但这不应该是我们该操心的事。我们应该为未来未知的风险做好充足的准备。
💬 Blessed be the Lord my strength,which teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.My goodness and my fortress.My high tower and deliverer.My shield and He in whom I trust!
🌁 Talk is cheap show me the code!
🖥 If a new user has a bad time, it's a bug. Just Keep IT Simple & Stupid
🌱 To be, or not to be, that is a question. Do or do not, there is no try.
Role Playing Life.
😘 Enjoy~